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<IR> Integrated Reporting
Approved practitioner training course

Date: TBC
Why <IR> Integrated reporting?

There are five powerful benefits of using the Integrated Reporting framework:

  • Effective communication: <IR> provides a comprehensive and robust framework to explain how an organisation creates value today, and how it will create more value tomorrow.

  • Better decisions: The six capitals model at the heart of <IR> offers simple clarity about the relationship between what an organisation does and the value it creates.

  • Integrated thinking: <IR> is a catalyst for more integrated thinking and solutions towards genuinely sustainable value creation.

  • Strategic success: By putting your business model under the microscope, <IR> provides valuable insights into the strategic choices that will secure long-term success.

  • Leadership: The holistic nature of <IR> is focused on the key challenge for organisations – their ability to prove value.


Proxima is accredited to deliver approved <IR> training in partnership with Enact, an International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) Foundation Partner.  Course participants will receive a certificate of completion from the IIRC.

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What to expect from the course

This is an applied training session which means you’ll learn by applying the <IR> framework and concepts.  By the end of the course, you’ll:

  • Understand the <IR> framework and be able to explain it clearly to others.

  • Be able to apply the <IR> concepts and framework to an organisation yourself.

  • Have the knowledge and skills to prepare an <IR> report.

  • Understand how to foster more integrated organisational thinking to create more value.


Course details and registration

Where: The course will be held in central Auckland at the Deloitte offices on Queen Street.

Investment: Registration is $2,500+GST per person, which includes all training materials (hard copy and electronic access), morning teas, lunches and afternoon teas.


Get in touch with us to find out more and register.

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